Simple English Propers Chants:

Going forward we are going to use a new Simple English Propers (English translations of chant settings of the Introit and Comm Antiphons). 

 Please follow these links and download a free copy of the entire Simple English Propers. You may print out the particular chants for the day from your downloaded copy.

Please read “The Introduction” of this excellent collection. It explains how the antiphons are to be sung to Gregorian notation (with explanation of the notational symbols) and how the Psalm verses associated with each chant are to be sung.

At the very end of the Introit and Comm. Antiphons/Chants, you will notice a couple of measures of point notation that will be used to chant the verses of the Psalm.

At the end of the psalm verses you will go back and sing the Introit or Comm Antiphons again.

Follow the next link for a video/audio collection of the Simple English Propers for your personal practice. Simply find and click the proper for the appointed day.

The Weekly Music Line Up will indicate which chant and how many verses.

It will be up to you to print out, and practice (smile) those appointed chants.

Yes, I will make copies, in case you forget yours.  

Thanks and happy chanting!


OLG Soundboard Tutorial

(Chirs Wallace 5/24/23)